All non-Australian citizens require visas for entry to Australia.
Australia has 4 main visa types
Permanent Visas which entitle a person to remain permanently.
Temporary Visas
which authorize temporary stay, subject to conditions. Protection
for people who have been granted refugee status. Bridging Visas
which confer temporary lawfulness on someone who would otherwise
be unlawful. Australia's temporary residence program is designed
to allow overseas people to come to Australia for specific purposes
which result in some benefit to Australia. Temporary residents
are required to pay taxes on income earned in Australia. They
do not have access to social welfare benefits or national public
health cover.
Applying for visas while in Australia:
Under some circumstances a person already in Australia on some class
of temporary visa may be able to apply for another subclass of temporary
visa or, depending on the person's circumstances, for a permanent
resident visa. For instance, a visitor who marries or commences
to live in a de facto relationship with an Australian can apply
to remain permanently. In some cases a person can be sponsored by
an intended employer to remain either for temporary stay, usually
2 years, or for permanent stay - it all depends on the circumstance
of the particular case. A person can apply for a retirement visa
while in Australia on a visitor visa. There are at least eight categories
for temporary stay in Australia
Business Visitor
Independent Executive
Working Holiday
Student Visa
Retirement Visa |